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web site domain differences

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web site domain differences

Postby Turkeyscore.com on Wed Dec 17, 2003 7:45 pm

ok so i type in "mwave.com" HTTP 404. ok...so i type in "www.mwave.com" works fine
i type in "turkeyscore.com" works fine, i type in www.turkeyscore.com, works fine.
why? :-? what makes them so different?
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Re: web site domain differences

Postby F1Pilot on Wed Dec 17, 2003 8:24 pm

Although standardized now, I think back in the day, it might have been an option to have a domain accessible without the www. I remember helping someone reg a site where that was listed as a "special" feature. *shrug*
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Postby integspec on Thu Dec 18, 2003 8:29 am

Apart from what F1Pilot said, this also depends on DNS settings and Web Server config. I think even though www.mwave.com and mwave.com is pointing to the same ip, the webserver is not configured to answer requests for mwave.com .

(Long story made very short. If interested in DNS, either this book DNS and Bind from Oreilly,
or Ask Mr. DNS site http://www.acmebw.com/askmrdns/archive.php , is Highly recommended).

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Postby F1Pilot on Thu Dec 18, 2003 1:51 pm

Damn, integspec. You explanation was much better than my "duh, I think it's an option. LOL!
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