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Where can I buy half-decent 99-minute CDRs in US?

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Where can I buy half-decent 99-minute CDRs in US?

Postby robman on Mon Sep 05, 2005 10:09 pm

Yes, I know that 99-minute CDRs are heretical, but I listen to live concerts that often have uninterrupted music for more than 80 minutes, and I like to listen to them in my car during my very long three-state commute--so this media works very well for my purposes. I bought a "trial pack" a while back on eBay, but now I'm having trouble finding any 99-minute CDRs at all. (By contrast, the 90-minute Prodiscs are widely available.) Can anyone help me out here? Thanks!
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Postby burninfool on Tue Sep 06, 2005 4:24 pm

You can't,Ritek stopped production. :cry:
90min CD-R is getting scarce also,that sucks because all my players supported 90/99min CD-R.
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