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Which burner is best?


Which burner is best?

Postby ygg on Thu Aug 19, 2004 12:23 pm

I'm about to buy a new dvd-burner and have read a number of reviews, buyer's guides etc., but few seem to compare burner models with respect to compatibility with stand-alone players and cheap dvd media.

What most people seem to be after is speed, DL capability. These features are secondary to me. What I want to do is to be able to buy the cheapest dvd media available in the stores and burn movies that can be played in stand-alone dvd-players.

Actually, I'm not even sure about the quality of dvd media. I've seen both known brands (such as Memorex) and brands unknown to me (such as Sky) for approximately the same price (~1-1.3 dollars per disc).

The burners I'm considering are the following (I've also included the prices, in swedish crowns and US dollars):
    Model Price(SEK) Price(USD)
    LG GSA-4120B 890 117
    Pioneer DVR-A07 799 105
    NEC ND-2510 699 92
    BTC DRW-1008IM 699 92
    Nutech DDW-082 749 99
    Benq Benq DW822A 749 99
    PHILIPS DVDRW824K20 699 92
    LITEON DVDRW8X 990 130
    Plextor PX-712A 1000 132

So, what do you think? Which burner gives the most reliable results with all media?
Buffer Underrun
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Joined: Thu Aug 19, 2004 8:41 am

Postby Shredder on Thu Aug 19, 2004 12:31 pm

ygg wrote:Which burner gives the most reliable results with all media?

NEC ND-2510 and it can burn DL.
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Postby uknown1234 on Thu Aug 19, 2004 1:07 pm

822a its a better reader and does bitsetting and dl upgradeable in september =D>
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