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Do any of you own a convertible?

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Do any of you own a convertible?

Postby UALOneKPlus on Wed May 21, 2003 2:34 am

I rented a convertible Chrysler Sebring for the wife this past weekend to get away to Monterey. She fell in love with the car.

I have to say it's really really sweet. Now I'm tempted to buy one for her for our wedding anniversary!

For you guys who own a convertible, is it a good idea? Is it expensive, high maintenance, etc?
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Postby MonteLDS on Wed May 21, 2003 10:21 am

ya i own a convertible. The maintenance is the same as a normal car except that you vacum the car out more often then you do with a hard top car. I am only 22, and I pretty much been driving my little blue geo metro convertable since i was 17. I love it; mainly cause of the great gas mileage. And you know what is funny, I am going don to Monterey tonite in it :)

Get one; it's worth it if you need another car. That is if you do live in California like i am assuming you do. And the idea that you live in the bay area where it Rains only a 30 days a year
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Postby tazdevl on Wed May 21, 2003 11:52 pm

A lot depends on the top. I've got a 328is convertible. It uses straps to retract the top and has a plastic rear window. Straps save weight, but you have to spend a grand getting them replaced every 3 years or so if you retract the top a lot. Plastic rear windows get the infamous cloudy fold in the middle of them.

Convertibles typically carry a premium which is evidenced in their price if you look around. Also, not the best thing to take up to Tahoe.
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