Although I doubt anyone knows much about this new CD-RW SATA Drive I was actually wondering what would happen to their current IDE drive of this same type? Are there any real differences in the CD-ROMs which would cause ASUS to release a newer version of the IDE 52X or is this SATA drive basically identical to this drive but with a different interface? I plan on purchasing this drive (IDE), and quite a few of them, and dont want to buy a version which might get replaced by a slightly better one in a month or so.
Buying CD-ROM hardware is confusing somewhat. I buy a LiteOn SOHR-5238S one week, and then two weeks later they release 5239S. Then later on everyone tells me the older model 27S or something was better and that the new LiteOns are made with a cheaper chipset to save on manufacturing costs. Then my LiteOn breaks and due to their flimsy construction I've given up on that company all together. Then right when I was about to buy the ASUS drives today I read an article that says ASUS is releasing a newer version of their 52X CD-RW (for SATA) which delays my purchasing decision even more because I dont want to buy an IDE version which might get a slight revision. OH HELP ME LORD!