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Please help me and win a free lifetime X-Copy's license.

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Please help me and win a free lifetime X-Copy's license.

Postby WolverineSoft on Tue Mar 09, 2004 8:11 am

Hi, my name is Stefano Camaiani and I am an Italian programmer.
I have developed a very nice application for Cd/Dvd clone. You can find X-Copy in this web site: www.x-copy.com
Unfortunately I don't speak well the English language and therefore the sentences that I have used in my program can contain logical or grammatical errors.
What I ask for giving a complete free lifetime license of X-Copy is that a person that speaks English can correct these sentences for me.

Please, if you are interested, then visit the page of X-Copy and you follow the link that will make you download the text file to correct.

Please take your time to do this because i will continue to send free license also after i will receive the first corrected text file.

Please do not send incomplete or inaccurate corrections,i will be forced otherwise to assign everything to another person.
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Postby dodecahedron on Tue Mar 09, 2004 11:45 am

nice website.
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Really Thanks but...

Postby WolverineSoft on Tue Mar 09, 2004 7:00 pm

Thanks for this....but in this exact moment i'm working on a completely new site....
Thanks Again.
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Postby cfitz on Tue Mar 09, 2004 9:24 pm

Hi Stefano,

I took a quick look at your translation needs and have several comments for you. First, that is much more than a 15-minute job, at least if you want it done right. Second, I suggest that you get someone to work with you on an ongoing basis. The software is obviously important to you, and you should have someone working with you who is committed to it and not just looking to win a quick serial number for a few minutes of work. Third, whoever translates will need to know the context of the messages (when and under what circumstances they are displayed) to properly translate many of them. Finally, the translation will likely need to be an iterative work in which the translator makes a first effort, you check to see if it agrees with your thoughts, the translator makes additional changes to suit your feedback, etc. Again, this argues for working with a translator on a continual basis.

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Postby dodecahedron on Wed Mar 10, 2004 7:15 am

it's really nice how cfitz comes along and writes more or less exactly what i was thinking. but too lazy to write myself. and much more eloquently.
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Postby WolverineSoft on Wed Mar 10, 2004 9:35 am

Thanks for this message. Yes it should require more than 15 minutes(this depend on how many errors i done with the original). Yes i should need to pay someone to do that.. But the programming at this moment it is not important for me... It is only a cool hobby. I'm working right now on TNT Global Express in the morning, in a AmericanBar in the afternoon and in the Evening (Saturday and Sunday too) and some time to time i have a lot of computers to repair or lessons to do.... (I had only 1 free day from 02 December 2003) ;-)

Then i hope of you should understand of i can not pay someone for this job now....

And i offer a free 'Lifetime' license. This should be to less for you, but someone paid € 250,00 for this...

Thanks again..
And really thanks to at lest 10 wonderful boys that have already help me for more than 15 minutes....

Hope to hear from you soon...
Kind Regards.
Stefano Camaiani.
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Other news...

Postby WolverineSoft on Wed Mar 10, 2004 11:16 am

A really wonderful guy has already made the correction, lol, in less than 1 day from my help request, and also 2 other guys are working on right now.....

I uploaded right now the new corrected file in my web site, then i hope of someone may give it a look only to see if something continue to be incorrected. This may require less then 5 minutes. :) The free lifetime license as prize is ever valid.
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Postby cfitz on Wed Mar 10, 2004 1:16 pm

There are still a lot of grammatical errors and awkward sentence constructions. It does not read as if written by a native English speaker.

By the way, I wasn't suggesting that you hire a translator. I know that could be expensive. I was suggesting that you find someone who wants to help with your program and would be willing to work with you on a continual basis. That way you can develop a good working relationship, gain trust in the translator's abilities, and give feedback to each other to ensure the translation means exactly what you intended.

There are people who will help with projects because they enjoy the challenge and take pride in being part of a team that makes a nice product. Perhaps one of the people who have already responded to you is such a person. But, if not, I suggest you keep looking until you find someone who will continue to work with you over time. I think you will find such an arrangement more satisfactory than soliciting one-time translations in exchange for serial numbers.

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Postby WolverineSoft on Wed Mar 10, 2004 4:45 pm

Ok, sorry for my last message, your suggestion is good, i know this.
By the way i have really not a lot of time and money to search and pay for a serious translator....(corrector sounds good)

I will be very happy when i will be able to search for it....

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Postby WolverineSoft on Wed Mar 10, 2004 4:47 pm

Ok, sorry for my last message, your suggestion is good, i know this.
By the way i have really not a lot of time and money to search and pay for a serious translator....(corrector sounds good)

I will be very happy when i will be able to search for it....

Anyway the nice guy which has translated this document has win not only a serial code, but also 500 points on the www.expert-exchange.com site.

Thanks again, i hope you will like the new coming soon X-Copy.
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Postby BuddhaTB on Wed Mar 10, 2004 4:52 pm

Like cfitz stated, it would be much easier for us to translate if we saw what the program looked like and when the messages would show up. That way we can translate the message to correctly describe what is happening on the screen.
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Postby dodecahedron on Wed Mar 10, 2004 4:55 pm

cfitz wrote:Third, whoever translates will need to know the context of the messages (when and under what circumstances they are displayed) to properly translate many of them.

this is exactly why i didn't bother to translate. i did download the file and have a look at it, but it seems somehow futile to try and fix the texts without more info.
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Thanks for interesting...

Postby WolverineSoft on Wed Mar 10, 2004 5:26 pm

LoL, 'Futile' is also an Italian word!! ;)
Thanks for all your suggestions, but i don't want to ask to someone to correct a text file or to do something else for me as free.....
This is not my intention.....
Once and IF i will start to real sell more then 5 or 6 softwares per month i will ask to someone to collabourate with me with a little benefit in money....

Anyway i unnderstand of noone can help me if does not know how i use these phrases...sorry for this... i ubìnderstand this only now....

I inserted in my new release, The Microsoft's Agent tech. to give to users a complete operative manual...
Do you know the little character of Microsoft Offich which sometime help you? Yes, my Agent is like this....
My Agent, called Kirk(It's a robot) fly around the screen and over X-Copy's windows and explain the various buttons and functions.....
All the phares are written like if i speack directly with someone people...

I hope this help..
Please sorry for my bad English here too.....
Kind Regards.
Stefano Camaiani
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Postby WolverineSoft on Wed Mar 10, 2004 6:43 pm

Thanks and please stop the work, because a wonderful guy has send to me a nice corrected text file...
I will use this to buil my last stable release.. I will come back here when this new release will be ready to ask someone for some suggestions....

Thanks again and sorry for my help request..

Regards and Bye to all....

Stefano from Florence - Italy.
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