If you think that your activities are anonymous on the internet, read We Can Run, but We Can't Hide.
If your internet activities present enough of a problem that someone wants to get you, they can and will.
i watched this show about 6 months ago about Echelon - the network which is part of the NSA and DSD (Australian version of NSA) which was all about Big Brother watching us. On the show they said if we use the word 'terrorist', 'bomb' etc on the phone or e-mail it automatically gets intercepted and recorded by echelon for analysis. So basically the film 'Enemy of the State' is very accurate.
So i already know that if someone want to get to me, they can but, am i worried? - Hell no!!!
I do have a firewall but all that can stop is a pimply face 13 year old try hard hacker. If someone really wanted to hack into my comp, they will so there is no point worring about something which has been going on for decades
When i said "you can be 1000 different people on the net and no one would ever know " i meant to the normal home internet user.