So I broke up with my g/f a little while a go, over some trust issues, but more so because she was using me as a crutch in life, and never went out and learned to handle doing things on her own. Well, to my surprise, after she got past the extremely annoying whining stage, and the "you can't REALLY be serious?!?!" stage, she actually went out and started working on the problems that I had with her. She still has a long way to go before she's ready for life on her own, but she's at least trying and making headway now. So based on this effort, we are *tentatively* back together, taking things slow, and being very open and even sometimes blunt about the way things are and the way things should be. Our relationship is very different from the way it was, but it is moving in a positive direction now, unlike before when it was stagnating. We'll see how it goes though.
Well, that was one part. The other part was my ex-g/f from way back (well, not THAT way back, but about 3-4 years ago) who was my first g/f, called me up and offered me her computer. I said "umm... ok, how much do you want for it?" to which she replied "no, I want you to have it". I argued with her back and forth a little, but eventually agreed to accept her computer. The reason she is getting rid of it is because she is getting a top of the line system (not *QUITE* as good as Hoxland's

To top it off, I am working on a big business deal which will hopefully change the recordable DVD market in Canada for the better, and bring me one step closer to getting rid of Princo as a likely choice for price conscious consumers.
Life is weird. 2 weeks ago it was crap, and now I feel on top of the world!